Transcraft Ok2sync
The original intention was to enable me to copy all my contacts, schedules etc. from my favourite desktop scheduling tool (currently Palm Desktop) to anything other application on my desktop which supports contacts and scheduling. Most handheld devices are capable of synchronising with Outlook, if you are already using Outlook, you already have your contacts in a mobile version. The other half of the world currently use Palm compatible handhelds, hence the support for Palm Desktop.

However, on your desktop, it is a different matter. If people use Outlook Express as their primary mail client, how do they transfer the information held in Palm Desktop or Outlook into Outlook Express ? Of course they can do this manually, or they maintain two versions of the same information. Ok2sync is designed to address this problem, in that you can maintain a master list of contacts, schedules etc. then just copy them to whichever other application you like to use. This version of ok2sync works for the copy/move of data from and to the following applications:

  • Palm Desktop
  • Outlook
  • Outlook Express

There are built in stubs for supporting the following applications:

  • Lotus Notes (in case you want to have the same list at work too)
  • Netscape / Mozilla
  • Eudora
  • Opera

But I have run out of steam because of other commitments. So let me know if you like to help plugging in the above applications to make Ok2sync a truly universal desktop based contacts and schedules management application.

The application consists of a series of OLE objects, one for each of the above listed applications. This means you do not have to install all of them, the ones which are not installed will have their respective buttons disabled on the main control panel. There is a customisation panel which allows you to map the fields between respective applications, giving you freedom on how you want your data to appear in the target application.

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